web3 is Growing on Me

Darren Mckeeman
5 min readJun 4, 2023
Photo by Jezael Melgoza on Unsplash

Seven days ago, we relaunched Kinkbnb.com to use a web3 wallet and token gating to control access to our website. This is an attempt at a launch post-mortem.

Back in November of 2019, the world was a lot different — but not really. In December we’d been de-platformed from Stripe essentially over pictures of furniture. This has happened constantly to my sex worker friends but I was damned sure I would avoid it — and I couldn’t. It taught me a lesson. I started frantically rewriting KinkBNB to use our bank’s payment processor because we have a great relationship with our bank and I’ve worked for porn companies building payment systems before, albeit in 2002. At the same time, it bugged me because not everyone has access to the skills and tools that I do in my normal day job as an IT consultant. The single mom trying to feed her kid can’t do this sort of thing if her PayPal gets shut down and that is something that nags at my white male privilege something fierce.

Mind you, these were all thoughts and emotions I was struggling with BEFORE the pandemic.

I am an introvert. For this reason, I was very happy during the pandemic. I am fine walking around with my face covered and staying 10 feet away from everyone else. The shift in life also gave me a chance to rethink how I wanted to rebuild KinkBNB. Sometimes you have to recognize those signs that you have to…

