Member-only story
The Future of Sex Work
As I write this, it’s actually hard for me not to be pessimistic about the future. My company, KinkBNB, is going into a “hibernation mode” due to our ISP going out of business. Rather than porting our crippled code to new hosting companies, we’ve made the decision to put up a placeholder page with our first two listings on it and a form to subscribe to our email list. I’m sure it all looks pretty bleak from the outside too. As I look outside, the streets of San Francisco have slowly gone from completely abandoned to having streets you avoid walking on because of all the open air bars with unmasked people sitting around. Across the country, the racial injustice I tried to run away from in Georgia is lighting most of the country on fire, gasoline provided by the current regime in power. And no matter who wins in November, sex workers will still be jailed and persecuted both in the courts and in the banking system. No matter who wins in November, there will still be a concerted push for backdoors into heavily used systems of communications to spy on people. No matter who wins in November, there will still be political targeting of opponents. The system is completely broken and open to exploitation from all sides, even foreign.
I recently dropped off of Facebook because of its monolithic encroachment of my life. While I am under no illusions that my data is completely scrubbed, I used a script that claimed…