Member-only story
America’s Last Emperor: American
Chapter Twelve
January 29th, 1854
Norton and Sawyer sidestepped their way past a crowd a Chinese men clustered outside the Macao and Woosung restaurant. The smell of gunpowder filled the air, and the street in front of the restaurant was thick with expended firecracker paper. Smoke wafted and the loud pop-pop-pop of explosions reverberated off the buildings.
“Good heavens, what is all this?” asked Norton.
“I have no idea,” said Sawyer.
At the entrance to the restaurant stood Norman Asing, beaming proudly. The pair walked up to the door, intent on getting their weekly meal there.
“I say, Norman, what is with all the fireworks?” asked Norton.
“It’s New Years Eve,” said Norman Asing.
“You’re about a month late,” said Sawyer.
“In China they use a lunar calendar. It’s the lunar New Year,” said the restaurateur.
“So you’re still serving dinner?” asked Norton.
“It’s a special dinner,” said Norman. “You two are some of my most loyal customers, dinner is on the house tonight.”
Norton and Sawyer looked at each other a moment, not expecting this.